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Teacher Portal

Plan Your Lessons, Manage Your Students, and Track Their Progress With Ease on The Kaligo Teacher Portal

Teacher portal
PC display

Manage Your Classes and Students with Ease

Add Your Students and Manage Your Class

Easily create your school’s classes and customise student profiles for the children in your class.

Inclusive learning environment

Customise Settings for a Personalised Learning Experience

Personalise Kaligo for your entire class or individual students by adjusting settings like line spacing, visual guides, colours, and difficulty levels.

Adapt Kaligo to Your Teaching Style

Select handwriting models that fit your teaching approach, adjusting the way letters are formed and displayed.

Dynamic handwriting model

Create Your Lessons in Just a Few Clicks

Access 1,500+ Pre-Made Exercises
in the Kaligo Library

Enjoy our ready-to-use library of lessons, designed by experienced teachers for a smooth learning progression.

Pre-made exercise

Customise Your Own Lessons

Use our intuitive tool to easily create and customise lessons and exercises to suit your and your students’ needs. Choose letters and words, personalise instructions, add images, record your voice, and more. Plus, see a real-time preview on the tablet with our exercise creation tool.

Facilitate Instruction Differentiation

After creating exercises, assign them to one or more students for easy and effective instruction differentiation.

Pedagogical differentiation

Track Students’ Progress with Intuitive Dashboards

Access All Your Students’ Results

Whenever a student finishes an exercise on their tablet and validates it, the results are immediately synced with your teacher dashboard.

With a quick glance using a simple color code (green, orange, red), you can see the results of all your students for each lesson and exercise.

For further details, you can view a screenshot or video replay of each student’s exercise. This helps you understand how they traced the letters and identify any challenges they may have faced.

Student Results
Identify skill acquisition at a glance

Identify Skill Acquisition at a Glance

The skills dashboard saves you time. You’ll have an overview of your class’ skills worked on with Kaligo across all exercises completed by your students. Using the same color code (red/orange/green), you can easily see if skills are secured, developing or need attention for each child. For example, which students have not yet mastered writing the letter “P” in uppercase?

By filtering, you can precisely target unacquired skills and perhaps create groups to work on specific skills for tailored pedagogical differentiation for each child.

Easily Track Your Students’ Progress

Month by month, monitor your students’ progress on Kaligo exercises through graphs. Identify students facing challenges and those excelling the most. Download the graphs in .pdf format for each child and share them with families.

Student progress tracking